Dear Parishioners of St. Polycarp, On this first weekend of June, as we come to church, we are joining our fellow Catholics throughout the world to celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). According to our Church liturgical calendar, this Solemnity of Corpus Christi always falls on the…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, The scriptural readings on this first weekend of May present us a new concept of the universality of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. To paraphrase from the First Reading taken from Acts of the Apostles, we have Peter, who was hungry and wished to eat, received…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, The Gospel for this Fourth Sunday of Easter begins with a beautiful depiction of Jesus as the “Good Shepherd.” And following this beautiful depiction are required responsibilities of a good shepherd that Jesus wants each of us to fulfill. Jesus declares, “A good shepherd lays down his life for the…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, The Gospel for this Fourth Sunday of Easter begins with a beautiful depiction of Jesus as the “Good Shepherd.” And following this beautiful depiction are required responsibilities of a good shepherd that Jesus wants each of us to fulfill. Jesus declares, “A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, Happy Easter! Christus Resurrexit! Christ is Risen! Let us praise God for His wonderous deeds to us by raising up Jesus. To proclaim that Christ is risen, we believe and profess that Christ triumphs over everything, including sins and death. Nothing can hold back Our Lord Jesus—the Lamb who was…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, As we come to church this weekend, we join with our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world to celebrate Holy Week, which once was called the “Great Week” (cf Miller, Sunday Preaching, 170). “Holy Week is ordered to the commemoration of Christ’s Passion with His Messianic entrance into Jerusalem”…
Greetings and blessings in the Lord Jesus. The scriptural readings for this weekend touch on the issue of suffering. Sometimes we see or hear from the news or from a friend that certain bad people are getting away with criminal acts, while good people are being persecuted and suffer heavily. The First Reading from the…
Dear Parishioners of St. Polycarp, Greetings and blessings in the Lord Jesus. The scriptural readings for this weekend touch on the issue of suffering. Sometimes we see or hear from the news or from a friend that certain bad people are getting away with criminal acts, while good people are being persecuted and suffer heavily.…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, The liturgy for this weekend (January 07, 2024) celebrates the Epiphany of the Lord Jesus. Epiphany is a Greek word that denotes “manifestation”—that is, Our Savior Jesus manifests Himself to the Gentiles, who are represented through the three magi (astrologers ~ in the old liturgical tradition, these magi or astrologers…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, “Behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy: A Savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord” (Luke 2:10). With these words of the angel of God to the shepherds of Bethlehem, Jesus entered our human world and took on human flesh — “To take…
Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, I warmly greet you in the Lord Jesus. We are in the middle of the month of October, a month in which we devote ourselves to Our Blessed Mother who always leads us to Her Son. Last Friday, we had a big turnout for the annual Marian celebration. With my…