June 30, 2024

Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp,

This Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time falls on the last day of June. The Gospel for this weekend invites us to gaze upon the mighty power of Jesus working both in nature and in the human person. Last Sunday’s Gospel was on Jesus calming the storm. This Sunday’s Gospel focuses on Jesus’ raising to life the death of a daughter of a synagogue’s official, and His healing of a woman suffering from hemorrhage for twelve years.

Jesus’ works of miracle speak of who He is: He is God—the God of life. That is why the First Reading from the Book of Wisdom teaches us this about God: “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might have being.”

Looking back on the month of June, I thank God for all of you, especially for your great love to Saint Polycarp. This month alone had two big celebrations/receptions: (1) the Thanksgiving Mass of and the reception for Fr. Cole; and (2) the farewell reception for Fathers Nicolas and Saúl and Sister Teresa. I want to highlight these celebrations because they reflect the spirit of unity and love from each one of you. Where there is love and unity, there is life and the presence of God. I thank the Parish Pastoral Council—which consists of the English, the Filipino, the Hispanic, and the Vietnamese groups—the Knights of Columbus, the Women’s Council and all those who contributed to make these celebrations memorable.

Looking ahead, I hope we continue to extend our generosity and hospitality to Father Nicolaus Duy Thai, Father Luis Segura (he is returning to us after a year), and Sister Tram A. Tran as Confirmation Coordinator. Our parish will host a light reception to welcome these new members to our St. Polycarp family on Sunday, July 07 after the 9 AM, 11 AM, and 4 PM Mass. Please stop by to welcome them into our family.

May the God of life and love be with you and your family always. May your summer be filled with joy in Jesus. Blessed Mother Mary—St. Joseph—St. Polycarp: pray for us.

Father Viet Peter Ho

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