August 25, 2024

Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp,

As you come to Mass on this last Sunday of August, which is the Twenty-First Sunday of the liturgical calendar, Mother Church offers us another Gospel reading on the Bread of Life Discourse, in which the people who followed and listened to Jesus saying that He is the Bread from Heaven and that whoever eats this Bread will never die. However, upon hearing Jesus’ statement, many began to murmur and argue among themselves. “As a result of [Jesus’ saying], many of His disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied Him” (Jn 6: 66).

It is not easy to accept the truth, which is God Himself. It is sad to see that many of the baptized have given up their faith in Jesus by either turning to other faiths or being inactive. Some parents only take their children for religious education but rarely step foot into church to attend Mass. Many of our teenagers fail to return to church after being confirmed. They would rather spend time playing video games, going out with friends, or making excuses to avoid church or to spend time with Jesus.

Amidst the turning away from Jesus by many of the disciples, there was a hope: it was Peter’s conviction! The Gospel concludes with Jesus asking Peter this question: “Jesus then said to the Twelve, ‘Do you also want to leave?’ Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn 6: 67-69). Peter’s conviction and strong faith represents our faith as well, for he is the first Pope in our Catholic Church.

“You have the words of eternal life”—such a beautiful statement from Peter. Would it be nice if all of us safeguard and keep this response of Peter in our hearts?

Our family of Saint Polycarp has known Sister Jessica, who is the Coordinator for the First Communion and for the OCIA Program, since July 2022. This coming Saturday, August 31, 2024, she will be making her Perpetual Vows at her home parish, Saint Maria Goretti, in San Jose. Please join me, her religious community of Misioneras Eucarísticas de la Santísima Trinidad, and her family to congratulate and pray for her that she will always say with strong conviction to Jesus: “Lord, you have the words of eternal life”. In addition to Sister Jessica’s Perpetual Vows, we also have Ivan Gonzales who has decided to enter Bishop White Seminary in Spoken, Washington. Please keep both of them in your prayers and continue to pray for vocations in our parish.

Lastly, may I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your generous support of this year’s Talent Show, which took place on August 23. I thank especially Kara Ford, Mayor Dave Shawver, the Parish Pastoral Council (English—Filipino—Hispanic—Vietnamese), the Knights of Columbus, the Women’s Council, the Youth Ministry, and all benefactors for providing all the planning and gifts to make this event so beautiful. Your coming together reflects the communion we share as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

May God through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, and the Patron Saint Polycarp bless you always.

Father Viet Peter Ho

Recent Pastor Letters

  • August 25, 2024

    Dear Parishioners of Saint Polycarp, As you come to Mass on this last Sunday of August, which is the Twenty-First Sunday of the liturgical calendar, Mother Church offers us another Gospel reading on the Bread of Life Discourse, in which the people who followed and listened to Jesus saying that He is the Bread from…

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